Artists invited to work at the Hermitage pay no fee. Instead, they are asked to give two free programs for the community during their stay with us. Their interaction with our community was built into our mission from our founding. In addition to the public programs listed below, many of our artists give their programs in our schools, working at the elementary, middle school, senior high, and college/university levels. Other interactions take place at senior centers in the region.
Take advantage of the opportunity to see and interact with great artists and their work. Check the calendar for upcoming events.
Artist Talks
Our artists speak about and perform their work throughout the region. These talks take place in different parts of the community, including libraries and community centers. You can find information about these free talks on our calendar.
Beach Readings
A very popular series is our “Beach Readings.” Given by many of our literary artists, we set up our P.A. system on the beach, the community brings its beach chairs and beverages of choice, and they hear great writers, playwrights, and poets read from their work as the sun sets over the beautiful gulf. And it’s all free.
Meet the Composer Series
Hear Hermitage composers interviewed by the musical leaders of our community. These free programs often feature composers performing some of their music, as well as speaking about their creative process. They give our audience special insight into the working life of the people creating the music of our time.
Open Studio
From time to time we will open our visual art studio and invite you in to meet our painters and sculptors. These free open studios give the public a chance to see some of the work and where it’s being created. You get to meet the artists and learn about their process. Often, you also have the opportunity to purchase a treasure directly from the artist.